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The Fight Over Encrypted DNS
Privacy and Security specialists are in the middle of a very public fight over the future of internet encryption. At stake is how DNS traffic – the network queries that translate people-friendly domain names into server IP addresses-should be encrypted. No one is arguing that DNS shouldn’t be encrypted. The disagreement is over how that encryption…
The Fantasy of Opting Out
In today’s digital world, most of the things that we need are just one click away with our computers and cellphones. As a user, you are constantly monitored. But that is also up to the user. If you want to be monitored less then you should perhaps not enjoy all those services. Is it perhaps too much…
Slow websites get slapped by Google: Keep investing in fast loading websites
In a post on the Chromium Blog on Monday, Google has reported a future feature that will notify users when a site may load slowly, while it will reward those sites that offer fast experiences with a clear badging. “Badging is intended to identify when sites are authored in a way that makes them slow generally, looking…
Germany’s Cybersecurity Agency Recommends Firefox as the Most Secure Browser
In the recent audit carried out by the German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, or BSI), among the desktop web browsers that were audited — Google’s Chrome 76, Microsoft’s Edge 44 and Internet Explorer 11, and Mozilla’s Firefox 68, only Firefox pass all minimum requirements for mandatory security features.…
Repeating Events for the Planning
⚠️ This is an older post. The current functionality may differ from the description in this post. Try Timesheetr today. Good routines is what makes companies great. I’m sure your organization has things that come back all the time. It might be keeping Basecamp updated on Monday mornings. Or invoicing every Tuesday. Whatever it may…
Flexible Time Slots or Bracket Sizes
⚠️ This is an older post. The current functionality may differ from the description in this post. Try Timesheetr today. With the latest Timesheetr update we are happy to support non-standard bracket sizes (or time slots). The bracket size is the smallest amount of time (or time resolution) that you can track time for. The…
Progress Bars and Theme Updates
⚠️ This is an older post. The current functionality may differ from the description in this post. Try Timesheetr today. Progress bars Progress bars were added to the Timesheet so you can see how you’re doing for today’s planning and how you’re doing for the planned hours for the billing period. We use percentages and colors to show your…
Updates to Freshbooks Billing and Planning Functionality
⚠️ This is an older post. The current functionality may differ from the description in this post. Try Timesheetr today. The latest update to Timesheetr includes the following convenient updates:
Update Your Timesheet From Any Device and at the Same Time
The latest version 2.2.0 supports updating your timesheet from any device and even updating it at the same time. Before, you could only update your timesheet from one device at a time, but now you can have your timesheet open on your mobile phone and your desktop, even in multiple tabs of your browser. If you…
Mobile Planning Screen
⚠️ This is an older post. The current functionality may differ from the description in this post. Try Timesheetr today. If you need to check your Timesheetr planning on your mobile phone, it’s now specifically optimized for use on your mobile phone. The nice visual calendar doesn’t work too well on a small screen, so on mobile…
FreshBooks Integration
⚠️ This is an older post. The current functionality may differ from the description in this post. Try Timesheetr today. FreshBooks is a great service to do your billing (receive online payments, send reminders etc.). With one click you can now create a FreshBooks invoice or add to an existing invoice, right from the Timesheetr project billing…
Email Billing Reports
⚠️ This is an older post. The current functionality may differ from the description in this post. Try Timesheetr today. We recently introduced Email Billing Reports. These automated emails enables team members to review their time, right after the billing cycle completes.